

Mission as a testimony about God through dialogue

2014-04-14 10:30

Dr. Helen presented 6 basic models of missionary activity. The first is the Early Christianity based on the Apostle Paul’s preaching among the heathen nations. The second is a model of the Eastern Church where the mission was carried out in the community through participation in the Liturgy, Holy Communion. Roman Catholic missionary activity was carried out through the Jesuits. A Protestant model included the integration of local culture and centred on the reading of the Scriptures. The fifth model of the Epoch of the Enlightenment and it was performed by Baptist, Methodist Church. Its basis was the spread of Christianity among the nations not through integration into the local culture but through a change of culture - Europeanization. And the most modern model, presented by Dr. Helen Zorgdrager, is the Postmodern or Ecumenical model, according to which all cultures and the churches are equal, so there is a dialogue between them, and the main thing in this missionary activity is respect for others.

According to Dr. Helen Zorgdrager the mission is: “The testimony about God through dialogue. The basis of this dialogue is a deep understanding, every religion, confessions in their faith, religious practices and respect for others. So, the religion of another person should be seen as a complete system without its division into good or bad elements (what we like and what we don’t like). However, none of the religions is exclusive, and only God knows the truth”.


Dr. Helen Zorgdrager - Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology and Gender Studies at the Protestant Theological University of Leiden, the Pastor of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands. Since 2005 she is a guest professor at the Institute of Ecumenical Studies at Ukrainian Catholic University.